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Philip Lynott; Renegade of Thin Lizzy; Alan Byrne
Set Phasers to Stun, 50 Years of Star Trek; Marcus Berkmann
The Beatles; Richard Brassey
A History of Heavy Metal; Andrew O'Neill
Star Wars Geektionary, The Galaxy from A-Z
The Princess Diarist; Carrie Fisher
24 Hour Party People; Tony Wilson
Tarantula; Bob Dylan
The Film Novelist: Writing a Screenplay and Short Novel in 15 Weeks; Dennis J. Packard
Cash, The Autobiography of Johnny Cash
Neil Young, Waging Heavy Peace
Flea: Acid For The Children (The autobiography of Flea, the Red Hot Chili Peppers legend)
Unknown Pleasures, Inside Joy Division; Peter Hook
Ziggyology, A Brief History of Ziggy Stardust; Simon Goddard
Love in Vain, Robert Johnson, 1911-1938; Mezzo - J.M. Dupont
Creation Stories: Riots, Raves and Running A Label; Alan McGee
Inside the Dream Palace, The life and Times of New York's Legendary Chelsea Hotel; Sherill Tippins
Bob Marley: The Untold Story; Chris Salewicz
Lonely Boy, Tales From A Sex Pistol; Steve Jones
Uncommon People, The Rise and Fall of the Rock Stars; David Hepworth